LifeCare Advocates’ clients now have access to PacSana. This is a new remote monitoring wearable technology that measures movement and activity patterns in the home. This allows individuals to gather information about where they can make changes in their routines or for caregivers to monitor well-being while allowing for maximum independence.
Long Battery Life
The PacSana Bracelet has about a 9-month battery life and does not need to be charged. Once the battery runs out, LifeCare Advocates will deliver a new one.
Information Gathered
Exercise Minutes records how many minutes are spent doing moderate to vigorous exercise per day, a higher level of intensity than Active Minutes. Exercise outside the home is also measured. Active Minutes records how many minutes a person is moving throughout the day, both inside and outside the home.
Monitors movement throughout the house and can give some insight into sleep patterns.
Fall Detection inside the home, with the press of a button or automatically
- Weekly or Monthly well-being report
- Sleep Schedule
- Time spent away from the home.
- Exercise minutes Gait speed trends Temperature
- Text Alerts when there is a fall or unusual absence from the house
Care Manager
Your Care Manager will discuss relevant patters with you that are gathered by the app and make recommendations to increase/adjust activity level, sleep patterns and quality of life.
Call us to learn more 617-928-0200.