Looking Ahead to an Exciting Year

What’s ahead for you in the new year? Health, wellbeing, and the love of family and friends are what we wish for you. At LifeCare Advocates, we go to work every day with the goals of promoting dignity and independence for our clients, as well as peace of mind for their family members. We’d like to share some thoughts about how we will uphold those goals in 2024.
Professional leadership
Our CEO, Kate Granigan, LICSW, C-ASWCM, is serving as 2024 president of the Aging Life Care Association (ALCA). ALCA and its 2,000-plus members are the recognized leaders in the field of aging life care. As Kate notes, ALCA has “transformed the very way that families and individuals experience aging. We have transformed times of distress, times of worry, and times of hopelessness to times of connection, hope, and strength.” As a team, we’re proud to see our CEO serve our profession in this way. If you know Kate, you know how much insight and energy she will bring to her role!
Caregiver support groups
Earlier this month we started our first caregiver support group. This group aims to offer practical support, resources, and a community for caregivers to share experiences and strategies. “There are many emotional and physical strains on the caregiver,” said Life Care Manager Gina Haddad, LICSW, C-ASWCM, who is facilitating the group. “The need to feel heard and find ways of coping while caring for a loved one is a crucial part of the caregiver role, which we will provide in our support group.” We’ve received lots of interest in these groups—feel free to email us at info@lcadvocates.com for more info.
Membership program
It’s never too early to plan for aging well! We’re now offering memberships for individuals who are being proactive with their planning and empowering themselves with education. Whatever your age, you’ll be taking an important step in securing the kind of lifestyle you want in your senior years. Membership includes:
- An annual meeting with an aging life care expert
- Resources and recommendations
- Access to a care concierge
- Education and seminars
- A long-term relationship with LifeCare Advocates, a respected leader in the field of aging life care
Call us at (617) 928-0200 or email info@lcadvocates.com for more info.
Growing our team
LifeCare Advocates continues to grow throughout the Greater Boston area as well as Southern New Hampshire and the Seacoast. If you’re interested in joining our dedicated team, please email us at info@lcadvocates.com.
It’s already a busy year—and we love it! We are looking forward to continuing to provide the highest level of service and rolling out new programs for our clients. Thank you for allowing us to serve you.